First Gourmet Academy

You don't just learn, you create opportunities.

First Gourmet Academy cooks dinner for The Philippine Government


President Noynoy Aquino, Chef Mats Loo, Chef Thomas Paul, Ms Reggie Loo together with some students of First Gourmet Academy


Chef Thomas Paul with Mikee, Jun, Harold, Meg and Ludjerick from Batch 24

Yet another milestone in the development of First Gourmet Academy and our student run restaurant Fika, occurred last February. We were asked to do a function outside of the school facilities for the first time. Up to this day Capitol Hills Golf Club has been using the services of First Gourmet Academy and its restaurant Fika in order to provide food and beverage to its golf club members. Whenever Capitol Hills Golf Club is arranging a tournament First Gourmet Academy are providing the food and beverages to the players that are participating in the tournament.

However this was the first time that First Gourmet Academy and the restaurant of the Academy, Fika arranged a function outside of the facilities of Capitol Greenstreet. To make things even more interesting on this special occasion this function was also co-arranged with Our Greek restaurant Kos Greek Ouzeri, located in UP Town Center.


Students of First Gourmet Academy is preparing food for President Noynoy Aquino and other cabinet members of the Philippine government.


Chef Mats Loo and President Noynoy Aquino

Nica is preparing the table set up

Adding to the excitement for our students this evening, the guests for this special event was made up of cabinet members of the Philippine government. This included President Aquino. All in all it was almost 80 people that attended this function. Our students were very excited cooking for the celebrities. All the safety measures that was also taken in place just added up to the excitement for our students.

We received a lot of praise for the food and the arrangement of this function and we are looking forward to develop our function and catering company more these coming months.

March 19, 2014 - Posted by | Uncategorized

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